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Sustainable Waste Management

for Schools – Year 2

PEACE continue the collaboration with KOPRABUH Indonesia and other partners to implement a zero-waste programme for year two at 50 schools in Jakarta, This programme is designed to address the issue of sustainable waste management - an area in which Indonesia is still lagging behind significantly due to lack of an effective recycling collection system. The programme encourages the participants to recycle using a buyback system where selected recyclables such as steel, paper, plastic, aluminium and electronic waste are purchased with cash-based on the recyclable market price.


PEACE focuses on the Zero Waste Concept through the 4R2C Approach (Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Composting and Closing the loop) while the KOPRABUH component engages with schools and students on rewarding cash through a smart card for their recycling activity. PEACE has managed to outreach to 50 schools, local communities, and agencies in which 5,000 kg of recyclables saved from ending up in the river or landfills.


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PEACE combined all the people who are enthusiastic and support the environment and care for the earth, and work hard to curb the deteriorating ecological environment and protect the global environment on which humans depend.

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