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Download WFR App as your walking companion

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Walking For Rice Project

The spread of COVID-19 has brought severe disruption on livelihoods, communities, and social interactions worldwide. All people must urgently come and hand together to minimize its impact on livelihood and health on global society; and, to offer any possible actions for further alleviation to lives, health, and economies around the world. The problems of forwarding a better World of caring, love, and sharing have urgently needed to be fixed.


An Earth caring and loving cooperation and event, named 2022 PEACE Global Event: Walking for Rice, is addressed by organization and stakeholders for Health Everyone Everywhere in globe. It will further follow flagship of the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) to promote global cooperation among governments, communities, international organizations, enterprises, and peoples for an Earth caring, environmental protection, ecosystem restoration, and people affiliation.


This diversified purpose-cooperation is at the center of PEACE’s mission as promoting this 2021 Global Event for loving the Earth in raising awareness and take action of caring health, ecological restoration and food safety worldwide.

Walking For Rice Project is to support Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2011-2030 to alleviate the hunger issues, combat climate change, restore and protect our ecosystem.

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Walking has many benefits. They are good for personal health and well-being, good for the environment. Walking are not just recreational activities; these options help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, traffic congestion and our demand for oil. Additional benefits include reducing other environmental impacts of motorized transportation, such as noise and the destruction of open space, wetlands, and other habitats. To this end, on Jan 29th, 2022, Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth (PEACE) launched an earth caring mobile application named WALKING FOR RICE. The WALKING FOR RICE initiative act as the universal call to mobilise a global response to supports Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 to alleviate the hunger issues, combat climate change and restore ecosystem in a most simple and effective way which just by "walking".

Walking is the best way to help the environment. One study concluded that walking a mile and a half would release 75% less greenhouse gases than we would produce from driving the same distance.
Walking is also the great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.
Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace. You can get out and walk without worrying about the risks associated with some more vigorous forms of exercise. 

Benefits of Walking For Rice

WALKING FOR RICE will connect everyone globally to restore our ecosystem together by walking, beside good for personal health and well-being and environment, it will help to alleviate or reduce hunger issues facing by lots of underprivileges people worldwide.  

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part of your routine

Try to make WALKING FOR RICE a routine – join our WALKING FOR RICE Mobile Application, your everyday walk count. Remember, you use the same amount of energy, no matter what time of day you walk, so do what is most convenient for you. 
The application measures the number of steps you take. You can use it to measure your movement throughout a day and compare it to other days or to recommended amounts. The recommended number of steps accumulated per day to achieve health benefits is from 4000 steps or more.

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Walking with others

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Walking with other people can turn a bout of exercise into an enjoyable social occasion. WALKING FOR RICE application enable you to build up cross national walking group – now you can schedule any walk with your friends abroad. You can share WALKING FOR RICE application with your family and friends, this is a great way to pass on healthy habits to them, and to spend time together, while getting fit at the same time. Ask neighbours or friends if they would like to join you on your walks. Think of starting a walking group

Join Walking For Rice now!

If you are interested to join us in this global initiative in raising awareness and take action on caring health, ecosystem restoration, zero hunger and climate change worldwide. 

What roles can Walking For Rice initiative play in post COVID-19 pandemic era?  

Chanasnun – "The society changed a lot from the spread of COVID-19 over the past two years. Travel was more stringent. Health problems followed. As the famine and lack of opportunity of people in some parts of the world increase exponentially.

The Walking For Rice project is a walking program for health and passing on the opportunity to have a good life to our brothers and sisters in the world. At the same time, it promotes the good health of the project participants themselves.

Each of these small steps will bring smiles to our suffered brothers and sisters. We invite you to come together and share your kindness and love for each other. Because we live in the same house. We have only one world.”

How can WALKING FOR RICE contribute to our environment, help to alleviate hunger and support the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration? 

CS Tee – Introducing walking into your daily lifestyle has numerous benefits, for yourself and your surroundings. Not only is it positive physically and mentally, is a most simple way to restore our ecosystem. PEACE passionate about the effects of walking for both people and the environment and are eager to share its advantages. The choice to walk more often can positively contribute to the planet, that’s the reasons why PEACE develops WALKING FOR RICE initiative. 

Walking each and every day, you’ll greatly contribute to your own health, the overall reduction of air, plus your step will contribute to the efforts for hunger defeat. 

One of the biggest tools for success also happens to be one of the simplest ones, by choosing to walk – even just shorter distances – you can contribute to the health of the environment significantly. If you feel inspired to get out there and start walking, you have the power to restore the Earth, if you act now, join WALKING FOR RICE mobile application today.

How can we use mobile technology to fast-track the goals of Decade on Ecosystem Restoration? 

Jimbo Huang – As a tech-co, we co-develop #WALKING FOR RICE App to pursue deeper meaning of Walking, to archive personal health goal, while contributing to community. In general, WFR App mobile technology has the efficient ability to reach worldwide mass audience with easy entry and strong stickiness. The strength of mobile technology fits Decade's (1) empower a global movement (5) Shift behaviours.

How academic institution can help global society to builds momentum for restoring forests as world enters key decade for ecosystems and how will you support to develop WALKING FOR RICE initiative? 

Nyan Hwa – We emphasizes sustainable development and encourages professors to implant the sustainable concepts in teaching and research. Meanwhile, Tsing-Hua University inspires students to organize various programs for regional WFR activities and spread the spirits of WFR to the public. Through these activities, Tsing-Hua is endeavoring to align SDGs 17 goals, especially on the zero hunger.


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PEACE combined all the people who are enthusiastic and support the environment and care for the earth, and work hard to curb the deteriorating ecological environment and protect the global environment on which humans depend.

© 2020 by PEACE

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